BaLMUN would like to announce the 11th Banja Luka International MUN conference to be held in Banja Luka from 12th to 14th April of 2024
Welcome letter
Dear delegates,
It is with great pleasure that we extend a warm welcome to each and every one of you as you gather in the
picturesque city of Banja Luka for the Model United Nations Conference, to be held from 12th to 14th of April.
Your presence here is a testament to your dedication to addressing the critical issues that our world
faces today, and it is an honor to have you participate in this important event.
In the current global landscape, we find ourselves grappling with an array of complex challenges that
transcend borders and demand collaborative solutions. From climate change and economic inequality to regional
conflicts and public health crises, the need for effective international cooperation has never been more
pronounced. Your role as delegates is crucial in shaping the discourse and proposing viable solutions to
these pressing issues.
Beyond the conference rooms, you will discover the natural beauty of Banja Luka, with its lush greenery,
serene parks, and welcoming locals. Take a moment to explore the Kastel Fortress, immerse yourself in the
vibrant local markets, and enjoy the warmth of Bosnian hospitality.
We wish you a productive and enlightening experience at the Model United Nations Conference in Banja Luka.
May your time here be filled with meaningful exchanges, lasting connections, and a renewed commitment to
the shared goal of creating a more just and sustainable world. Let us be united through dialogue!
Marija Milašinović,Secretary General
Marija Malić, Under Secretary General

Marija Milašinović

Marija Malić
Under Secretary-General