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At the very beginning of BaLMUN Conference, we were lucky to be supported by two important politicians at the time – Vuk Jeremić, president of the 67th General Assembly of UN and Ban Ki-moon, the eighth Secretary-General of the United Nations. Their approval of our project, for which we were not sure it was going to work in our city, gave us the strength we needed and assured us to believe in our aims. You can watch their video greeting here.

This video was made as trailer for the BaLMUN Conference 2021
Directed & edited by: Anastasija Đorđa Bosančić
Starring: Miloš Grubešić, Lena Božić, Maja Macura, Alen Milaković, Anastasija Đorđa Bosančić
Music: a-ha/Take on me

This video was made as trailer for the BaLMUN Conference 2018.